Case study

JMC Aviation Contractor Q&A – Phillip Austin

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  • Tell us about yourself and your role at JMC Aviation

My name is Phillip Austin and I’ve been in the aircraft industry since 1997 when I started my apprenticeship with Bombardier Plc. I started working for JMC Aviation in 2014 and I’m now a Contract Project Manager.

  • Tell us about your career so far

I started my career as an apprentice at Bombardier Plc, where I worked for 9 years before starting contracting. I worked all over Europe for all the big aircraft companies before joining JMC Aviation as a structural fitter in 2014. I then took on the role of a Linkman for one of JMC’s sites and I now manage approximately 150 people across 10 sites in 4 different countries.

  • What do you enjoy most about working in aviation?

I enjoy that every day is different, with something as complex as an aircraft there can often be challenges, regulations and tight timescales to adhere to – keeping my job interesting and my team and I very busy! In my current role, I most enjoy ensuring that my teams don’t experience issues with their work or aircraft in general. It is the team working aspect of my job that I really enjoy.

  • What does a typical day in your role look like for you?

My day starts typically at 7am and lasts for around 9-12 hours. During this time, I am in contact with all the sites to see if there are any issues that need my specific attention. If any of our clients that I have been in touch with have any problems, then it is my priority to sort those out first as we are a very people-focused business and customer satisfaction is paramount. There is normally a few catch up meetings at the different sites to attend and every other day I’m travelling between sites, so no two days are ever the same.

  • How has JMC Aviation supported your career journey?

I’ve been supported by JMC Aviation since the beginning in 2014, when I started as a structural fitter and now even more so that I have moved over to managing people across Europe. I’ve had support from the head office where there is always someone available regardless of the issue. Someone who has a wealth of knowledge to question if needed in a specific field in the aviation industry is always available to help with any problems you have

  • What has been the biggest challenge you’ve overcome in your career so far?

The biggest challenge so far, was moving over from physically working on aircraft to a more desk-based role. For many years my work was hands on, but even working on a PC a lot these days I still have the access to be involved in and around the different aircraft across all the sites.

  • What is the biggest achievement of your career so far?

Personally, I think my biggest achievement is seeing the gradual steps from being an aircraft fitter to then being responsible for a team and taking on more roles and responsibilities to a point where I am responsible for 150 people across 4 countries to manage and be face to face with clients on a daily basis that I never would have thought I would be doing 10 years ago. I am proud of my career journey so far and how far I have come in the industry.

  • What would you say to someone thinking about applying for a role with JMC Aviation?

It’s a great company to work for that have multiple opportunities across the board whether you’re a contractor or a permanent member of staff. You will be well looked after from a very professional and dedicated team.

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